Here’s how you can score a good deal on two packs each of Huggies diapers and wipes!
From Sunday’s paper, grab the two $1.50 off Huggies diapers coupons and the $0.50 off Huggies wipes coupon. If you buy more than one paper, or have another Huggies wipes coupon floating around, you can use one of those as well to increase your savings. Also, print one of the $5 off a $25 purchase coupons available here or here. (I used the second link and signed up so I had a more “legit” looking coupon…I’ll explain in a minute)
Head to RiteAid and pick up two tubs of Huggies wipes and two Jumbo packs of diapers. Use your coupons above. Be sure to hold on to your receipt. Now, go to the RiteAid Single Check Rebate website by clicking here. Scroll to January 2009 offers and click “view offers”. Submit for rebates #29 ($2 back on 1 Huggies Jumbo, Pull-ups or Goodnights), #30 ($2 back on 2 Huggies wipes), and #48 ($10 RiteAid gift card back for purchasing $25 in Kimberly-Clark items). Their rebate submission process is really easy. If you want more information on it, click here.
That’s it! After your coupons and rebates, you will then have two tubs of wipes and two packs of diapers for only $4.46 (my store had the wipes at $3.49 each and the diapers at $9.99 each). If you had an extra wipes coupon it would be only $3.96 total. Have no coupons at all? You could still submit for the rebates and it be $7.96.
My experience doing this deal: For some reason, the RiteAids near me seem to be in the stone ages. They are no where near as advanced as CVS or even Walgreens. I registered with the RiteAid website to get the $5 off $25 coupon, and it printed about 7 pages of coupons for RiteAid brand items. I stuck that whole thing in my coupon folder so I had it with me when I went to RiteAid. When I got there, my (elderly) cashier took one look at the $5 off $25 coupon and called the manager saying “it wouldn’t scan.” She didn’t even try! The manager looked at it incredulously until I whipped out my stack of new RiteAid coupons and said “yeah, they emailed me all of these coupons for signing up on the website!” She was very friendly and told me that she never heard of it before and that is great, she was going to do it herself. So there you go. Just be a little extra prepared, because it seems RiteAid doesn’t get a lot of crazy deal ladies like me. 😉
I found out about this deal here on MoneySavingMom. Hope it works for you, too! Love, Bay