My #Listerine 21-Day Challenge is Complete!

March 8, 2014

Welcome to Queen Mother Blog! If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!Three weeks ago I told you about how I was embarking on a 21 Day Challenge with Listerine.  I had all the ingredients to enjoying a healthier mouth: Listerine toothpaste, Listerine Antiseptic and Reach Floss. […]

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How I get FREE Disney movies for my kids

March 5, 2014

My kids watch a lot of movies.  I’m not going to lie about it, in fact, one confession that I feel a little guilty admitting is that my kids are almost always watching a DVD when we are in the car.  As soon as we got the minivan with the built-in entertainment system it was […]

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Book Club: “Prayers for the Stolen” and keeping bad news out

February 18, 2014

Have you ever heard of the term “highly sensitive person?”  I didn’t go to school for psychology or anything, so I just recently heard of it, and I don’t know much about it, but I really feel like that applies to me.  I’m definitely an introvert, and I definitely need quite a bit of alone […]

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My Listerine 21-Day Challenge Starts Now!

February 13, 2014

One member of my household religiously swishes Listerine at least once, every single day.  I can admit that, no, that person is not me.  At least every night I hear Marc diligently using his Listerine antiseptic (not just any mouthwash, it has to be the “real deal” Listerine) while I am just barely struggling to […]

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The easiest way to get your iPad repaired – iheartrepair #review

February 11, 2014

You most likely know that everything I do takes me a very long time. I agonize over a lot of things, and tend to make things more difficult than they already are. This even applies to something as simple as getting a broken iPad screen repaired. (Which is a complete NECESSITY for us, as the […]

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Book Club: “A Well-Tempered Heart” and airmail envelopes

February 5, 2014

Do you ever find yourself compelled to instantly Google something that you were thinking about?  I know I’m a child of the information age, but I think this also has something to do with my self-diagnosed ADD.  As soon as I start wondering about something, all I have to do is whip out my phone […]

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My night with Team USA Hockey Moms for Bounty’s #BringIt campaign

January 13, 2014

By now I’m sure you have seen the amazing #ThankYouMom commercial that P&G has out right now, showing moms picking their littles ones up every time they fall, and then as the commercial goes on we see the moms and kids older, now as cheering moms of professional athletes.  I’ve seen the video all over […]

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Menu Plan Monday – January 6

January 5, 2014

I bet that this week is the busiest week for Menu Plan Monday 😉  I’m sure most people that try to menu plan are picking it back up for the new year, because it’s a no-brainer for saving your sanity and also some money (notice that I never even bother with fitness…ugh, that’s for another […]

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Book club: “Happier at Home” and January resolutions

January 4, 2014

This month’s book club pick is “Happier at Home” by Gretchen Rubin, who is the author of the best-selling book “The Happiness Project”.  I never read her first book, so I was curious to pick this one up, and it is a very timely pick for January, since there are monthly challenges to follow to […]

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The kitchen remodel post: before, during and after pics

January 3, 2014

The kitchen remodel took up a good part of September and October, and I’ve been putting off this post pretty much since then.  But since it is the New Year, I am eating my frog and getting on with it 😉 So it has taken me a bit to get the pictures together but here […]

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